In troubling times, it helps to get out of our heads. Try this flight into fantasy on for size.
Rush hour traffic
Reading bumper stickers
Bumper to bumper
What if
Time jogs out of joint
No traffic
No highway
A tunnel
Swings into view
Sea shell music
A pulsing oval
Misty edges
The silver sedan rolls and rocks
Front ways
Like a Disney ride
Nothing solid
Out of body
The sedan morphs
Into something else
A magnificent steed
The tunnel pulsing faster
Strobe lighting
Into atoms
Super nova
Lost in a sea of light
Memories stir like fall leaves in the wind
The broken bridges from here to there
Streaming through the eye of a needle
In multi-colored rainbows
Standing on an orange crate
Selling apples, pears, almonds and honey
To strangers who do not even know they are hungry
Bright sunlight becomes
The dead of night a millisecond later
The traveler astride the platinum saddle of the time machine
Racing through the vortex of centuries

#portals #daydreams #relativity #timetravel #ScienceFiction #otherworlds #timewarp #timecorridor #space #innerspace #flashfiction #imagination #reveries #poems #adventure